It’s About Time

This is my first blog entry.


Unless you count Xanga… which I don’t because I was 13.

And, unsurprisingly, blogging has rendered me speechless. I can’t think of anything to say other than how excited I am to start this new adventure.  My previous journeys are only with me through memories and pictures, but now I have a place to document each experience, thought, plan, or advice I may have, and that’s exciting to me.

I created this blog in time for Anthony and I to head to Iceland. Iceland has had a home on my bucket list since I was young, due to its waterfalls and hot springs and lunar landscape. In one week’s time, I will gladly be crossing that item off said bucket list as I sit in a hot tub twenty minutes from the (what I assume to be) charming town of Reykjavik, urging the Northern Lights to appear overhead. It will be a quiet evening to adjust to the new time zone before we start discovering the land of fire and ice and what it has to offer us.

And I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

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